Boo, Princess and the Wookie

Welcome to our photoblog - a place to watch the babies grow :) Click on any picture for a full size view.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Man do I feel old

How can my tiny little Boo have grown so big?

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Whadda face!

This picture just cracks me up!

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Sunday, March 20, 2005

Not quite winter, not quite Spring

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Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Happy Birthday Princess

My baby girl is four today! In only the blink of an eye this tiny creature

Has become this beautiful young lady

I am in awe. She is such an incredible person: brilliant, funny, charming, sweet. Everyday she finds more ways to amaze me.

We had just a small family birthday dinner, the 5 of us and C's parents. I baked a white cake with vanilla frosting and let her decorate it with smarties and gummy bears. She LOVED that! A few gifts (mostly new jammies, she's gotten so tall lately), a few balloons, low key. Of course she was still pretty wound up from the excitement of it all, but in a good way.

Happy Birthday Precious Girl!