Boo, Princess and the Wookie

Welcome to our photoblog - a place to watch the babies grow :) Click on any picture for a full size view.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The (snowy) silver lining

A day with no electricity (and therefore no heat or flushing toilets) and 15+ cm of snow would seem to be the definition of a craptacular day... but not for these two. A day home with mama and papa, lots of snow to play in, grilled cheese sandwiches with the help of a generator, they were in heaven.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hallowe'en sneak preview

Got the bits into their Hallowe'en costumes for a little photo shoot (cheating, maybe, but by the time we get home from school/work on Hallowe'en, get dinner and get dressed it'll be dark and all of my pictures will look like 'Revenge of the Red Eye Zombies'.)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

You know you want cookies!

Princess has already sold almost an entire case of Girl Guide cookies based on this picture - how can you say no to such a sweet little face!