Boo, Princess and the Wookie

Welcome to our photoblog - a place to watch the babies grow :) Click on any picture for a full size view.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

You're beautiful it's true...

I know I'm a teensy bit biased but really, my children are the most beautiful children on the planet...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Stretching her wings

Off she goes to sleepaway camp. She comes home weekends (camp runs from Sunday evening to Friday afternoon) but that's still 5 sleeps away from us. It's hard, especially in this day and age where it feels more and more difficult to keep our kids safe. I miss her already.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Summertime... at least for today

A reprieve from the cold, wet weather we've had nearly my entire vacation, today was hot and sunny. A perfect day to enjoy the pool. Oh the pool water is pretty cold still (noooooo sun will do that!) but we spent 5 hours in there anyway :)

Then, when dusk fell, a bonfire and s'mores.

Can you imagine a more perfect day?

Sunday, July 05, 2009


It's an annual tradition, our trip to the strawberry farm to pick our own strawberries. I was really worried we wouldn't get to go this year, a late frost delayed the crop and more than a week of heavy rain has threatened to rot the ripe berries on the plant. Today the sun peeked out and away we went...

They were certainly smaller than in past years, but sweet and yummy and there were lots. The kids had their fill and we brought two baskets home :)

Friday, July 03, 2009

Another step closer to adulthood

My last baby lost his first baby tooth today (and really lost, we think he probably swallowed it though he swears the cat stole it!) His new smile is SO CUTE! I keep chasing him with the camera, asking him to smile :)